#1 Welcome

Dear visitor,

if you have found this site then it’s either  because you have an interest in either human nature or in international  business. Well, this site caters more to all of you who find themselves in the  latter category as it is about personal and organizational failures in  international business

Someone once has said that in one way or another  we’re all stupid. This is very true for even the best managers and the best  companies as well. What makes us smart and effective at home usually doesn’t  transfer easily across national and cultural borders. Despite the fact that we  have been hearing now for decades that the world has become one global  marketplace, the ways we – individuals and companies – approach international  market entry still seem to be ignorant and crude.

This site looks at failures of companies which do  business internationally and hopes to become a place where everyone can learn  from the mistakes of others. If you have a story of failure in international  business to share, one that you have personally experienced or one which you  have read or heard about from other source, please contribute to this  blog

Gerhard Apfelthaler

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